Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Racial negative and positive dynamics coming from supervisors Essay

The Racial negative and positive dynamics coming from supervisors - Essay Example First, there is a likelihood of the supervisor falling in favor with some workers in the work place. Being a racist supervisor, there is a likelihood that one will be in good books with others while one may not be in goods with others. In case one is favored by a majority of the workers, there is a likelihood that they are likely to influence a positive relationship within the dyad and the higher the chances of having work done on time. (Priest, 1994) Being a racist supervisor, there is a likelihood of having a loyal following of employees who are favored. This means that as a supervisor, one is likely to have an "underground intelligence force" in the work place which might one gather a lot of information about what is happening. The supervisor will therefore be able to monitor and come up with formidable solution to situation before they happen. For example, if workers might be planning a boycott of duties, the supervisor will have first hand information on it even before it materializes. In this regard, the likelihood of a boycott happening in the work place is reduced in a number of ways. Hence as a worker if you are favored by your supervisor, you are likely to get things done the way you want. This means that as a worker you will be favored by supervisor in allocation of duties and other aspects of work. First the supervisor employs what can be termed as a political policy of "divide and rule" tactics. This ensures that the supervisor have a part of loyal supporters who are favored in return while the rest of the workers may be against. The concept at work here is that there is no unity among the workers since they cannot speak on one term. This makes it difficult to plan any kind of work boycott. As a worker, this division among the workers can give you an undue advantage over the rests since the supervisor will be referring to you on most matters. Second, with the underground intelligence gathered by the loyal workers, other workers who are not "loyal" to the supervisor may find it difficult to integrate with the 'loyal" workers and hence such a plan cannot work. Hence as a worker you may be in a position to act as a spy for the supervisor which gives you an upper hand in the work place since those who are not favored by the supervisor cannot be given such a task. (Reynolds et al., 2002) Hence being favored by a racial supervisor will give the worker an advantage over the rest. But this will depend on the number of workers in the work place who are favored by the supervisor against the number that is not favored by the supervisor. In this regard if majority are favored by the supervisor, they may be likely to have an advantage over the rest but if they are the minority, they will have no advantage over the rest. At the same time there are a number of negative aspects that are associated with being a worker under a racist supervisor at the work place. First, it may affect the relationship within the dyad such that it becomes difficult for the supervisor to implement their duties effectively and the workers to perform their tasks effectively. This is because practicing racism among the worker brings about division among them such that it becomes difficult for the worker to work as a team. It kills the spirit of team work. Once workers are divided, they

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Popular culture-Respond to questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Popular culture-Respond to questions - Essay Example As land continuously became scarce, the American frontier concept evolved the great land expanse to the frontiers such as ocean and space exploration, which were less tangible. Shames asserts that had the supply of more carried on indefinitely, expansion would could be a goal in itself. This would give rise to a value system founded on bulk rather than quality of life. Therefore, the American situation today is based on the fact that there is less to be had (Shames et al 93). According to Shames, there are connections between the history of the American frontier and consumer behaviour. The connection stems from the American culture of wanting more, which is not easily satisfied, which is synonymous to the frontier history. In this sense, the â€Å"more is better† notion that emerged during the frontier era has not changed and is still evident in consumer behaviour. He further points out that the sense of quality among American consumers has lagged behind that of scale. Therefore, both the American consumer and the frontier history are not quite about the quality of what one gets but rather, quantity. In the frontier history, people were more concerned about the acreage of land they would acquire and not its quality. In a similar manner, the modern consumer behaviour focuses more on how much the consumer can get rather than the quality of what they are purchasing (Shames et al 94). Retailers make use of spatial organisation design to affect consumers’ buying habits and their behavior. Depending on how stores use their space to arrange merchandise, they can determine how easily consumers can locate what they are shopping for. The idea of displaying the latest designs of clothes on the right hand side of the entrance to American shops was informed by the notion that people tend to walk the way they drive. On the same note, that is why fast-food outlets are

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Product Life Cycle Theory By Vernon Economics Essay

Product Life Cycle Theory By Vernon Economics Essay Vernons international product life cycle theory (1996) is based on the experience of the U.S. market. At that time, Vernon observed and found that a large proportion of the worlds new products came from the U.S. for most of the 20th century. It was concluded that U.S. was the first to introduce technological driver products. Vernon theory was used to explain certain types of foreign direct investment made by the U.S. companies after the Second World War in the manufacturing industry. The U.S. has become a major importer of many of the goods that had once developed, produced and exported. Vernons international product life cycle is used to attempt to explain why this happened. According to Vernon, in the first stage the U.S. transnational companies create new innovative products for local consumption and export the surplus in order to serve also the foreign markets. According to the theory of production cycle, after the Second World War in Europe has increased demand for manufactured products like those proposed in USA. Thus, America firms began to export, having the advantage of technology on international competitors. In the first stage of production cycle, manufacturers have an advantage by possessing new technologies. However at these early stages of production, the products were not standardized as the nature of the goods has implications such as price elasticity, the communication throughout the industry and also the location of the product itself. As the product starts to mature, the conditions also start to change. A certain degree of standardization takes place and the demand of the products appeared elsewhere. As demand has increased, overseas markets were imitating those products at a cheaper labour and overall cost. The U.S. firms were forced to perform production facilities on the local markets to maintain their market shares in those areas. Consequently the U.S. exports were limited. As the markets in the U.S. and these other developed countries mature, the product became standardized. The developments of the life cycle were once again changed. There were more demand and cheaper labour costs from overseas countries, the pricing became the main competitive tool and cost became more of an issue than previously. The producers internationally based in advanced countries then had the opportunity to export back to U.S. This has led to the undeveloped countries offering competitive advantage for the location of production and finally they became exporters. This evidence suggests that the more a product is standardized; the location of production is more likely to change. At the same time there is also evidence that unstandardized products will maintain their location in more phosphorus location. This also explains; between 1950 to 1970 there were certain types of investments in Europe Western made by U.S. companies. There were areas where Americans have not possessed the technological advantage and foreign direct investments were made during that period. To resume, Raymond Vernon believes that there are four stages of production cycle: Introduction Growth Maturity Decline And the location of production depends on the stage of the cycle. Stage 1: Introduction New products are introduced to meet local needs, and new products are first exported to similar countries i.e. countries with similar needs, preferences and incomes. Stage 2: Growth A copy product is produced elsewhere and introduced in the home country to capture growth in the home market. This moves production to other countries, usually on the basis of cost of production. Stage 3: Maturity The industry contracts and concentrates and the lowest cost producer will win. Stage4: Decline Poor countries constitute the only markets for the product. Therefore almost all declining products are produced in LDCs. Vernons product life cycle model can explain both trade and FDI. By adding a time dimension to the theory of monopolistic advantage, the product life cycle model can explain a firms shift from exporting to FDI. Initially a firm when innovate a product, it produces at home enjoying its monopolistic advantage in the export market, thus specializes and exports. Once the product becomes standardized in its growth product phase, the firm may tend to invest abroad and export from there to retain its monopoly power. The rivals from the home country may also follow to invest in the same foreign countrys oligopolistic market. Vernons theory implies that overtime the main exporter may change from exporter to importer. This leads to the low cost producers becoming exporters. One weakness of this theory can be that Vernons view is ethnocentric. It can also be said that many new products are now produced in advanced economies such as Japan. Globalization means that there is more dispersed and simultaneous production of comparative advantage. The final weakness of this theory is that this study was carried out in the 60s. The worlds trading importing and exporting has changed immensely over the years.

Friday, October 25, 2019

jazz concert review Essay -- essays research papers

The first question I asked myself at the beginning of the quarter was how much do I actually know about jazz? I have always characterized jazz music as a rhythmic and instrumental form of music. My impression on the basis of the jazz has always been portrayed with the African-American race. I think this was build up from the rhythm ‘n’ blues era and meaning according to the dictionary (â€Å"style of music that was invented by African American musicians in the early part of the twentieth century and has very strong rhythms and often involves improvisation†). But Louis Armstrong’s famous reply was â€Å"if you had to ask, you’ll never know†. Whatever else he meant, he was at least saying that jazz is noticeable, but not necessarily understandable by words. (do not really know exact cite where I have got this quote) For my concert review, I went to see the performance of Maynard Ferguson and his big band at Jazz Alley on Jan. 12th 2015. I asked some of my friends to join and they gladly agreed. Since two of my friends were a musician themselves and loved seeing live music whenever possible. They even went ahead and made a reservation. First time in Jazz Alley, the place was filled with various groups of people eating, drinking, and chatting. Our table was in good position, plus I was able to see the stage very well. We ordered some cocktails and everyone looked relaxed and enjoying their evening†¦ except me, as I was worrying about writing a paper. I started to write the names of the ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Philadelphia’s 1793 Yellow Fever: Narrative of the Proceedings of Black People Essay

The 1793 yellow fever outbreak was a national problem. At this time the United States Capital was located in Philadelphia, PA. This essay will focus on the outbreak in Philadelphia, PA, particularly how a few different views of the African American community played a role. During this terrible time thousands of local residents fled Philadelphia, including prominent members of government such as the first United States President, George Washington along with many other community members. A local paper had an ad looking for people of color to help attend to the sick. The ad also assured those helped would not get sick ,and would be compensated. Responding to this ad was Absalom Jones and Richard Allen. Both men were leaders in the African American Community as well as free men. Fast forward to the details of what happened during this period. There were multiple theories as to the cause of the outbreak. Who could or couldn’t contract the disease was unclear as well. Also, accusations of theft and price gouging were made regarding those who helped. Then an article was written by Matthew Carey, a prominent white printer in Philadelphia. While he praised Richard Allen and Absalom Jones for their work (Winch) he suggested that blacks had caused the epidemic, and that some black nurses had charged high fees and even stolen from those for whom they cared. (Carey) This caused a printed rebuttal by Allen to save the reputation of the African American community. Allen wrote for everyone to read about what he personally saw, as he stayed in Philadelphia during the outbreak, and was on the front line helping. Multiple accounts of the helping blacks were noted in his text. Examples of African Americans caring for, treating, and burying the ill are given. In most of these instances no money was taken by the African Americans who stepped up to help. However, Mr. Allen did admit there were a few instances of shady acts by members of his community. Mr. Carey’s accusation of the price gouging and stealing from the ill wasn’t supported by any examples. â€Å"We feel ourselves hurt most by a partial, censorious paragraph, in Mr. Carey’s second edition, of his account of the sickness, in Philadelphia; pages 76 and 77, where he asperses the blacks alone, for having taken advantage of the distressed situation on the people. See more: how to start a narrative essay introduction †(Crowley and Stancliff 283). Since this was printed in multiple editions it appears Mr. Carey did very well financially selling papers, rather than reporting factual information. â€Å"We believe he has made more money by the sale of his ‘scraps’ than a dozen of the greatest extortioners among black nurses. †(Crowley and Stancliff 284). Mr. Allen acknowledges that some blacks have committed crimes, but they have been convicted of their crimes. He also points out Mr. Carey didn’t even stick around to offer any help to the ill; rather, he fled his hometown to help assure his health. Mr. Allen uses some powerful stats in a letter to the Mayor of Philadelphia. The purpose was to show what happened to the beds of the sick after they had passed away and that they were not price gouging. This would counter the claims of Mr. Carey about the blacks stealing from the ill and over charging. The letter was of a chart showing what was paid to the men and women for their service, and what costs were incurred, Then end result was an out pocket loss of –over $27,000 in today’s terms, if the conversion from pounds to dollars chart is correct. Mr. Allen used stats, comparisons, and eye witness accounts to back up his claims that the majority of the blacks who helped during this crisis did so with good intentions, often turning down money offered to them. He also gives a couple of very strong examples of whites taking advantage of the ill. One being of a white woman caring for a couple that both died in one night. She had demanded six pounds, and upon searching bulges in her clothing, she was found in possession of buckles from the gentleman that had passed, among other things. Another account was of four white men that demanded forty dollars just for carrying a coffin downstairs. Lastly, a white woman who was caring for an elderly lady was found with rings, one on her finger and another in her pocket. The Philadelphia mayor praised Allen and Jones as well as the African American community for all their help. All the stats and eye witness accounts of what happened makes Mr. Allen’s account believable and admirable. Mr. Carey was not there for the duration of the epidemic and did not back up his accusations with evidence. This also makes Mr. Allen’s account more convincing. Mr. Allen seems to cover the good and bad accounts of his community. When he examines the whites that helped all that was noted was that of stealing and price gouging. Again, the article Mr. Carey prints doesn’t back up his community with any examples of good deeds. In conclusion, Mr. Allen, the author did his best to defend his community to anyone that read his text. He was very clear, easy to understand, and didn’t seem to present a biased view. He presented his account, both the good as well as the bad, and made me feel like Mr. Carey was not a credible author. Works Cited Crowley, Sharon, and Michael Stancliff. â€Å"A narrative of the proceedings of the black people during the late awful calamity in Philadelphia. † Critical Situations a Rhetoric for Writing in Communities. Lauren A. Finn. Penguin Academics, 2008. 281-95. Print. Carey, Matthew. â€Å"A short account of the malignant fever. † 1794. P. 63 web. Retrieved June 20 2013. Winch, Julie. â€Å"on Jones and Allen’s responses to Carey. † Part 3. Philadelphia, Yellow Fever Epidemics. PBS. org. 1998. Retrieved June 20 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rich vs. Poor

? A man’s economic status is based solely on his wealth and his material possessions, or lack thereof to define him as being â€Å"rich† or â€Å"poor. † Similarly, these two words, â€Å"rich† or â€Å"poor,† should also describe a man’s character. Rich is characterized as having a lot of money or possessions: valuable, meaningful, or significant. Poor is characterized as deficient in amount or indicating poverty. Yet, when we look at a man or woman, do we judge them by their wealth or by the â€Å"richness† or â€Å"poorness† in their character? Through observations of the rich, a man or woman who has obtained richness often times are lacking in character traits that makes up a good man or women. For example, Donald Trump as a billionaire is shrewd in making money and his personality is one of hostility. We all are familiar with his famous two words,† You’re fired! † Donald Trump, although rich as a child, n ever grasps the fundamental character traits of kindness, gentleness and peace. We can come to this conclusion based on the number of times he was married.This shows the lack of character Donald Trump has because a marriage should be a long term commitment, and it was easy for him to give up on many of his marriages for the next pretty woman who came by in his life. I believe that most people, like Donald Trump, who are rich in material possessions, typically are â€Å"poor† in character. They tend to be very aggressive toward others, not taking into consideration the feelings of others. Most rich people remind me of Ebenezer Scrooge, an unpopular, grumpy, elderly British male human. He was a banker and a usurious moneylender.He worked at a counting house. He was disgusted by the poor and praised workhouses. And he hated Christmas! The point here is, during the night before Christmas, Scrooge was visited by four spirits, who showed him that he hadn't always been so miserable, that he should love Christmas, and that his actions have massive consequences, and if he didn't change his ways, it would be all the worse for him! Many rich people carry a similar attitude of superiority and that there is no need to demonstrate acts of kindness to anyone that is financially below them. Consequently, a man who is â€Å"poor† in material possessions many times is â€Å"rich† in character, which is spiritually defined as the nine fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. Having friends and family members who grew up poor and who worked hard to survive to obtain material possessions, their character was strengthened or made â€Å"rich† as a result of it. They had to do the jobs that many rich people would never do, such as being a maid, construction worker, janitor and many more domestic type jobs.Although they differ in terms of definition, being â€Å"rich† and being â€Å" poor† in character can be one of the same as â€Å"poor† in spirit or humble. For example, my great grandmother was an Indian who was very poor, but you never would have known it because she was humble, kind, loving and a peaceful woman who always shared everything she had. ? Without a doubt, those who are â€Å"rich† and those that are â€Å"poor,† in terms of material possession, share a similarity: the desire to be rich or richer. No one really wants to be â€Å"poor. Those who are rich are rich through inheritance or have mastered the know-how to become rich. Such as Prince Williams, who obtained his wealth from his mother and father, Princess Diana and Prince Charles of Whales. Those who are poor have lived in poverty, for the most part, all of their lives. Many of them have not mastered the know-how to obtain riches. This is evident from looking at the statistics in the inner cities and in very rural areas. Regardless of their economic status, howev er, one desires to be rich and the other desires to be richer.The poor would like to live a stress free lifestyle without worrying if there will be food on the table, and the rich want to obtain their fortunes as well as continuing to have their success grow. ?In terms of how the rich communicate with others, the rich typically show confidence and are normally very secured individuals. The rich communication skills have embellished their ability to obtain wealth and to succeed at many other aspects in their life. The Rich, like Donald Trump have many people looking up to them. So it’s almost a responsibility to show no fear and to take charge in everything they do.If Donald Trump were to show lack of Confidence many people would not respect him or believe he had the skills to succeed as a multi billionaire. ?On the other hand, in terms of how the poor communicate with others they generally lack confidence and many times they are very insecure. The poor’s communication skills are generally slang, bad grammar, or rap which decreases their ability to communicate effectively. My cousin Brittney, who grew up in North Philadelphia, was surrounded in bad neighborhoods, run down schools, and no one to look up to.When her mother finally decided to get her out of the area it was very difficult for my cousin to adapt to a better lifestyle. Brittney was use to the ghetto lifestyle that she thought it was the norm. When Brittney’s mother enrolled her into a public school in Fairfax it was a challenging scene for Brittney. She didn’t know how to interact with the other children because her dialect was nothing like theirs and she was not secure with who she was. Therefore she lost all hope and confidence.There are several ways to work on ones confidence but they have to be willing to work on them. ?Being â€Å"rich† or being â€Å"poor,† as Webster Dictionary defines it, does not determine a man’s richness or poorness in his o r her character but defines it as his economic status. Therefore, regardless of your material possessions, we should all strive to achieve the nine fruits of the spirit. Then we can honestly say that we are rich and/or poor. It’s up to us to follow acts of kindness, whether we are â€Å"rich† or â€Å"poor,† if we want to achieve a better quality of life.